Thursday, 3 October 2019

Chris Stewart: The Mole Man

Chris Stewart is seen on the right
On Wednesday 2 October our speaker was Chris Stewart, who gave an illustrated talk about the facinating, yet secret life of the mole. Chris is a professional mole catcher, but from what he said it is evident he has a great respect for the small creatures.
They have great strength, can carry loads heavier than their body weight, are very territorial and mostly live on their own.
These days poison is not permitted to catch moles as it too cruel, but traps are used instead. The implements in the photo are examples of what has been used, and look like something out of a torture chamber.
Implements used to trap moles
Years ago, there was some value in mole pelts to make clothing, but presently the only use seems to be for use on fishing lines, with a very small financial return.
Did you know the collective name for moles is "company"?
Chris had one piece of advise for gardeners. Always wear a pair of safety glasses. There are just so many hazards that can damage the eyes, and it is better to be safe than sorry.

Below are the winning entries to our monthly competition. What a colourful display they make.

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