Thursday, 5 September 2019

September 2019 Monthly Meeting

Tony Wiseman chats to members after his talk
Well, we had somewhat of a reverse meeting on Wednesday 4 September, as our speaker, Tony Wiseman, had forgotten to bring the flash drive with his presentation. That meant he had to return home to collect it. 
So we started with all the various notices and reminders followed by tea/coffee plus some really delicious cakes. Have you tasted banana cake with lumps of the fruit in it - recommended.
Despite the problem, on his return Tony set to, and gave us an entertaining and knowledgeable talk on the gardens of Penshurst Place, where he is Head Gardener. There were bits of history, things that worked and some the did not. We were shown a delightful selection of images including flowers, shrubs and trees. What more could we ask? 
There are bound to be many who will be encouraged to go and look at Penshurst Place for themselves.
It was also time to start off the Monthly Competition. Congratulations to  Joy and Carole who were the joint winners.

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