Thursday, 20 August 2020

Hurst Green Virtual Show 5 Sept 2020

Hurst Green Gardening Club is running a virtual Autumn Show. Below is an extract from the email we have received.You do not have to be a member to participate.

"We are therefore pleased to show the updated schedule for the show (below) – please, please, and for the third time please, have a go, and see what you can do.  If you are unsure of the format, do look at the Summer Show as this will give an idea of what we are expecting.  We do know that some members were a bit unsure of an online show last time before it was published, but hopefully the result will reassure you all and give some ideas to you as well!

You can start taking photographs from today, and we will then be taking entries from Monday 24 August to Saturday 5 September at 10pm, so you have plenty of time to photograph at your leisure." 


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