Wednesday, 3 July 2019


Saturday 29 June was the date for our Flower and Produce show and it proved to be the hottest day of 2019 so far.
Whilst we can always do with more entries, we did very well and ended up with a colorful show. Just look at the photos, that give a hint of what could be seen. 
The vegetables looked ready to ready to eat without further preparation. How do the growers do it? The same goes for the fruit classes as well.
As always, the energy of our Chairman Rick, gets us all motivated, and we are grateful to him for all his efforts. It proved very worth while.
RHS judge Geoff Peach made his decisions and commented that, generally, it was encouraging to see such a good number and standard of entries.
Congratulations to all those who came first in a particular class, and to the prize winners, who can be seen below.
The colorful sight on entering the hall

Geoff Peach goes about the judging
Congratulations to Julie Simpson: Judges certificate of merit, best in show
Prize winning scones from Carole McGuire
Val Sampson:- Philip Lawson Rose Bowl for best exhibit of Roses
Carole Wade:- Clayton Cup Best exhibit of Sweet Peas
Rick Meakin:- British Legion Cup most points in Div 2, Vegetables
Peter Wade:- E Strong Cup Most points in Div. 3, fruit classes

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