Monday, 27 February 2017

Philip Johnson - Monthly Meeting March 2017

Our Monthly Meeting for March features Philip Johnson who has been growing autumn sown Sweet Peas for over 35 years.

During that time he has become a prominent member of the National Sweet Pea Society. As well as a keen exhibitor he has gone on to judge at major shows. He was made an honorary member of the Kent Federation of Horticultural Societies in 2009 in recognition for 25 years service as a Sweet Pea judge. He is a former chairman of the NSPS / Royal Horticultural Society Sweet Pea trials held at RHS Wisley Garden, Surrey. Philip is currently serving as a member of RHS Herbaceous Committee.

But Philip is not just a Sweet Pea nut! He works as a professional gardener where he is well respected for his skills and experience. He has an eye for design and colour which is reflected in the current selection of colour blends. In addition to this he runs a small nursery offering a range of plants available at selected Plant Fairs in Kent and the South East.

We also have a "pop-up" competition which give you the opportunity to bring along your Hellebores. On the left is an idea of a way to display them.

This is in addition to the usual monthly

A Kew Peacock

Thor and Julie visited Kew Gardens last week, and came across this rather unusual peacock. What a delight and a wonderful splash of colour.

Sunday, 12 February 2017


Thanks to a spot of research by Sophie at the Limpsfield website we can introduce you to DAPHNE BHOLUA ‘LIMPSFIELD’ – our very own local shrub!
click here to read the whole item.
Anyone know about the origins of this plant, if so do let us know?
PHOTO: Emma Allen, Garden Manager at RHS Garden, Wisley

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


Rhod chats to Karen
We enjoyed an enthusiastic gathering of members and visitors to our first meeting of 2017.
All of us were delighted to welcome our guest speaker Rhod Jones, who is the Head Gardener of Titsey Estate.
Rhod spoke to us about his background, his experiences as well as his ideas for the development of the gardens at Titsey.
He has a great style of presentation using photographs, which can be examined in detail after his talk.
There is no doubt Rhod motivated many of us to revisit the gardens when they reopen in May.
The photographs on display