Sunday, 28 September 2014


We are pleased to welcome Geoff Hawkins as our guest speaker at the Red Cross Hall, Oxted on Wednesday 1 October at 8pm. His subject will be "Wild Flowers".
 Here is what Geoff says about himself:
 In January 2012 I retired as headgardener from the private estate of Mill Court near Alton,   
 Hampshire where I had worked since 1977.
 As a head gardener running a small estate of 30 acres this meant I worked in
 greenhouses,  vegetable and fruit gardens, herbaceous and shrub borders as well as 
 looking after the trees, ponds and natural features on the estate.
 Since retiring I am available for more daytime talks and will be able to travel longer
 distances. I am still based in Alton, Hampshire.
 I have lectured at local adult education centres on gardening skills, garden design and
 growing your own fruit & vegetables.
 For over twelve years I was a regular expert on LBCs Weekend Matters along with
 Matthew  Biggs, Christeen Walkden, John Allbutt  and Jim Butress. I have also appeared
 on BBC Southern Counties Radio and Delta FM.
 It has also been good to give talks and lectures to horticultural societies, gardening clubs,  
 WI’s, Women’s Guilds, schools and various associations sharing the practical knowledge
 I have gained over the years and spreading the joy and fun of gardening.
 I am a member of the SURREY GUILD of JUDGES and LECTURERS and on the list of
 speakers for the Hampshire Federation of Horticultural Societies
 I have also been part of the team at Loseley Gardening Show with John Negus, Peter
 Mills, Paul Patton and Alan Sergeant. We hope to take the team to other shows around the
 For a little bit of light relief from the day job I have also been involved in the running of 
 Froyle Gardening Club having done two stints as Chairman and have been on the
 committee for many years. I have also taken part in 23 of the 25 pantomines produced by
 the Froyle Players. Not many bearded dames around these days.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Autumn Flower and Produce Show.

Well, those tables did get filled with about 220 entries. Well done to all the exhibitors and to Hurst Green Gardening Club for giving us such tremendous support.
Here is just a flavour of what was to be seen:
A delightful splash of colour that shows how hard exhibitors work. Congratulations to all.
How do you grow vegetables to look as good as this?

More vegetables vegetables, ready to eat.

Best entry in show
An unusual class, and a new use for an old shoe or boot.
President Roy gives out the prizes

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


The official closing date for entries to our Flower and Produce Show this Saturday 13 September is the end of the day on Wednesday 10 September. Jilly would love to here from you.
Remember, there are fun classes as well, so get out the tape measure/scales and see how big/heavy some of yours are (eg: runner bean, onion, tomato truss, marrow, potato)! Scroll down to see the full Schedule and entry form. In the meantime here is long runner bean. Is yours longer?
Good luck......

LODHS SHOW 13 September 2014

Coming soon......
Make a note of the date and time of our show, and we look forward to seeing you there.
Why not display the flyer? Just click on it and print. Many thanks.
Thinking of entering, click on the entry form below to print and help us fill these tables. Set up time for exhibitors is between 7.30 and 10.30am. Click HERE to see the Schedule.

St Mary's Church, Oxted Open Day

Just behind the Oxted Community Hall is St Mary's Church. It is well worth a visit either before or after you have visited our Flower and Produce Show on Saturday 13 September.
  Along with many other local churches, St. Mary’s Church, Oxted will be open on Saturday 13 September to welcome participants in the Surrey Churches Preservation Trust sponsored Ride and Stride. The church will open from 9.00am until 6.00pm. Participants in the Ride and Stride will be visiting as many Surrey churches as possible, either on foot or by bicycle,  hoping to raise money by being sponsored. The money raised will be split equally between the Surrey Churches Preservation Trust which gives grants to Surrey churches for essential maintenance work, and the participants’ own church.
     In addition St. Mary’s will be open to welcome all visitors regardless of participation in the sponsored event with a series of activities and displays taking place through the day. These will include the  Registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals being put out for perusal, a display of old photographs of St. Mary’s Church, School  and Oxted and displays of some of the activities organised by members of St. Mary’s church. There will also be guided tours up to the top of the church tower from approximately  11.00am and again from approximately 2.00pm and 4.30pm.   At 4.00pm there will be a bell ringing demonstration and the chance to look at the workings of the St. Mary’s tower clock. It must be noted that all tours up to the top of the tower are taken at the person’s own risk as the staircase up to the top is quite steep and narrow. The effort is worth it however as the view over the whole of Oxted from the top of the tower is quite spectacular. 
     Throughout the day members of St. Mary’s  Church including members of the clergy team will be available to answer queries and to show people round the church and refreshments in the form of home-made cakes and tea, coffee and soft drinks will be available – served outside if it is fine or in the tower area if the weather is too cold or wet.
     Do come and visit what is Oxted’s oldest and most historic building --  it was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 and has a wealth of interesting features including many old and artistically interesting stained glass windows, Crusader graves and interesting architecture.
      Entrance is free.
      For more information ‘phone V. Adamson on 01883 714859