Here is what Geoff says about himself:
In January 2012 I retired as headgardener from the private estate of Mill Court near Alton,
Hampshire where I had worked since 1977.As a head gardener running a small estate of 30 acres this meant I worked in
greenhouses, vegetable and fruit gardens, herbaceous and shrub borders as well as
looking after the trees, ponds and natural features on the estate.
Since retiring I am available for more daytime talks and will be able to travel longer
distances. I am still based in Alton, Hampshire.
I have lectured at local adult education centres on gardening skills, garden design and
growing your own fruit & vegetables.
For over twelve years I was a regular expert on LBCs Weekend Matters along with
Matthew Biggs, Christeen Walkden, John Allbutt and Jim Butress. I have also appeared
on BBC Southern Counties Radio and Delta FM.
It has also been good to give talks and lectures to horticultural societies, gardening clubs,
WI’s, Women’s Guilds, schools and various associations sharing the practical knowledge
I have gained over the years and spreading the joy and fun of gardening.
I am a member of the SURREY GUILD of JUDGES and LECTURERS and on the list of
speakers for the Hampshire Federation of Horticultural Societies
I have also been part of the team at Loseley Gardening Show with John Negus, Peter
Mills, Paul Patton and Alan Sergeant. We hope to take the team to other shows around the
For a little bit of light relief from the day job I have also been involved in the running of
Froyle Gardening Club having done two stints as Chairman and have been on the
committee for many years. I have also taken part in 23 of the 25 pantomines produced by
the Froyle Players. Not many bearded dames around these days.